VeraNeko no Page
This is just part of the template HTML. If you see this then something isn't rendering correctly.
{%- endblock content -%}{% if page and page.extra and page.extra.redirect_section %} {% set target = get_section(path=page.extra.redirect_section) %} {% endif %} {% if page and page.extra and page.extra.redirect_page %} {% set target = get_page(path=page.extra.redirect_page) %} {% endif %} {% if page and page.extra and page.extra.redirect_resource %} {% endif %} {% if page and page.extra and page.extra.redirect_raw %} {% endif %} {# cache-busted link/script section (these change all the time so this is necessary) #} {%- block head -%}
This is just part of the template HTML. If you see this then something isn't rendering correctly.
{%- endblock content -%}