

Site roadmap


A, A-, B, ..., Z: priority
*: difficulty

December, '24

  • (A/) Update the Behind the Scene section to reflect recent changes1
  • (A/*****) Refactor the aesthetics design of this site. Yes we're still doing vectorized graphics style but... this? is just way from being what i want.
  • (B/*) Javascript refactor: actually make good use of the Tabby library I wrote
  • (B/****) Make an actually sane icon pack for my website. Emojis suck cuz different browsers render them differently.
  • (B/****) Maybe start a blog
  • (C/) Add actually good styling for zola-rendered checkbox list items
  • (C/) Layout change: move "pinned" and "follow" (contact?) to right sidebar?2
  • (D/) Add stuff to the right sidebar?
  • (D/) Better left-panel style (show descriptions and dates)
  • (D/**) Make word/letter spacing a bit more configurable; dyslexia (and colorblind?) options
  • (E/***) Generate this page in a more sane way than markdown. Maybe format from Todo.txt?
  • (F/***) Automate packaging and uploading the site better with Nekoweb APIs
  • (C/) Add temporary styling for zola-rendered checkbox list items
  • (D/) Adjust flex-basis of .centre.panel so it doesn't make left sidebar all stretched out over the top at half PC monitor width

Do I still want to even keep this section or would I like better to take it down and reorganize its contents along with anything new into a big eraschool section?


Important question: do I want it to stay a side-bar at all or would I rather have it be a float(?) or maybe I'll just have it work almost the same way as the contents on the LSB.